22 Creative Careers in Occupational Therapy

remote jobs Oct 19, 2021
22 Creative Careers in Occupational Therapy

22 Creative Careers in Occupational Therapy

We are so excited to be named for our OT Business Program in an article from the University of St. Augustine - Health Sciences! Here is an overview of this article:

There are so many things you can do beyond just standard clinical OT and COTA work - there is an amazing new world out there! I'm excited in to share a summary of the University of St Augustine blog post:

There are a variety of career routes, here are 4 different types:

1. Entrepreneurial Careers

2. Consulting Careers

3. Media Careers

4. Educational Careers

Let's break down a quick summary of careers within each of these categories:

Entrepreneurial Careers

1. Start your own OT practice

2. Independent contractor

Consulting Careers:

1.  Assistive Technology

2.  Home modifications consultant

3. Ergonomics consultant

6. Driver Rehabilitation and Training consultant

7. School consultant

8.  Product development

9. Seating and mobility

10. Recruiter

Media Careers

1. Podcasting

2. Blogger

3. Freelance writer

4. Social media influencer

5. Web or app designer

6. Videographer

Educational Careers

1. Continuing education instructor

2. Community college or university educator

3. Professor

4. Coach

5. Mentor


Although this is a brief list, you can see that your OT/COTA degree does open up more doors beyond clinical work! Check out our courses and join our Facebook group here: to start taking action toward your next alternative career!

Thank you to the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS) which offers hands-on Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) and Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) degrees for sharing us in their article. You can read the full blog post for this article here:

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