6 Figure Remote Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Jobs
Nov 10, 2022
6 Figure Remote Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Jobs
Is is possible to earn 6 figures as a PT, OT or SLP? And even more, as a new grad? Is it possible to find remote jobs that could pay $100,000 or more to us therapists?
In this article, I'm going to prove to you that YES it is possible!
Oh course, it will take hard work, willingness to upgrade your skills, and creativity - but we'll dive into all of that in this blog.
Remote Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Jobs That Pay 6 Figures:
1. Tele health:
Tele health is a growing field and you can earn a six figure income one of two ways - you could get a full time tele health job or you could have a full time therapy job plus PRN in tele health or you go all in on just contracting work in tele health, and lastly you can create your own tele health business!
Tele health pays very well, often similarly to clinical pay and if you do PRN or contracting work then you should expect between $60-100 plus per hour.
2. Health Coaching:
When you think health coaching, you likely think Noom which is an excellent employer but it's tough to get hired. But a lot of employers are popping up in this area! Including Google EXOS, Elevance, and many clinics or smaller organizations.
You can earn six figures by working full time and performing health coaching on the side through employers, you can earn six figures by moving up in the ranks for project manager within health coaching, or you can create your own side hustle or full time business in health coaching.
3. Ergonomics:
Ergonomics has a lot of potential for you to earn 6 figures because it's a very diverse career field. You are likely not going to earn six figures as a full time employee in ergonomics - but as a contractor, you totally can!
In addition to taking ergonomics contracts, you can upsell ergonomic equipment either as a whole seller or as an affiliate, you can upsell maintenance packages, you can upsell courses, you can do public speaking events, you can get sponsored to talk about equipment or software, and you can get paid to help be a expert that helps grow ergonomics equipment, software, or businesses.
For example, I'm still fairly new in the ergonomics world yet I've received several offers to review equipment, to receive free equipment, and to partner with ergonomic companies as an expert!
In addition, our coach Dr. Matt Jeffs is often getting paid thousands of dollars for his ergonomic assessments, getting paid to speak at major conferences world wide, and many more opportunities all the time!
I will have to say that remote ergonomics contracting or as your own business is much easier than remote full time positions - which although remote ergonomic positions exist, they are more uncommon vs in person ergonomics.
We have 3 amazing CEU and certifications that include our career guide and business training (include website template) here if you are inspired to see how much you can earn with ergonomics: https://www.alternativehealthcarecareers.com/ergonomics
4. Utilization Review and Care Coordinator Positions:
Although the base salary of people in utilization management roles is around $80,000 to $85,000 plus benefits, there is a lot of potential for overtime which would easily bring you to six figures. I feel that by far, this is the most easiest remote role you can get and the fastest and easiest route to earn six figures - especially if you are not interested in doing your own business.
In addition, utilization management is such a growing field that many of our students have performed lateral or upward mobility into new or different roles that pay even more - and yes $100,000! Once you are in the naviHealth/UnitedHealth Group family, there is a lot of internal referring and movement happening and so you could transition into being say a provider relations manager working more on the business and company interaction side and or you could become a team lead within a utilization review team.
In addition, if you didn't have pursue any upward mobility -- there is always lots of overtime offered and so between your salary and overtime PLUS raises and bonuses, you can easily earn six figures!
By the way, we have an amazing program to help you get started in Utilization Review: https://www.alternativehealthcarecareers.com/courses/becomeautilizationreviewer
5. Recruiting:
I used to be a travel physical therapist and travel therapy mentor and many of my recruiters were making more than my - even with my doctorate! Recruiting roles can be either remote or in person, depending on the company policy and how you negotiate this with the company.
Your salary is a blend of a small salary plus commission. Because commissions make up a majority of your earnings - there is a large potential for you to make great money, especially if you are good at recruiting and are a hard worker! I do want to say that you should be prepared to work about at least a year before you'll $100,000 in earnings as you'll have to learn the systems and grow your client base.
There are a TON of companies doing recruiting but some big ones you can search are MedTravelers, Cross Country, Marvel, Advanced, and MAS Staffing. Make sure too to look at not just travel therapy recruiting but nursing recruiting, any other medical recruiting, and even outside of the health field like tech recruiting.
6.Health Tech:
I've saved the most unique or interesting for last! There are lot of cool jobs and titles that you could do within the tech world that could make you six fgures. Maybe you won't be earning six figures right away, but I will say that compared to traditional therapy jobs where there is no upward mobility or raises - you'll often get raises, bonuses, and upward mobility in the health tech field.
You could level up your skills and depending on your talents, passions, extra certifications, you can work in so many positions within health tech!
Here are just a few ideas:
1. Marketing
2. Social Media Manager
3. Product or Project Manager
4. Sales/ Customer Success/Customer Trainer
and if you have any tech background then you could work in UX/UI, web development, app development, coding, and many more varying titles.
7. Creating your own business or adding a side hustle:
This is going to be a very vague section as you could leave a full time job and go your own way and make a business. Or you could work full time plus supplement your income with a side hustle.
You have so many talents and options! But this is definitely one strategy people have employed to 6 figures or more each year!
There's so much to learn but we have a course that includes 2 private calls and walks you through everything you would ever need to know in creating a side hustle here: https://www.alternativehealthcarecareers.com/sidehustle
I sincerely hope this has inspired you that making six figures is entirely possible and under a variety of different strategies and services! You got this!
Want to get hired as Utilization Reviewer?
Check out our amazing program that has helped over 400 students! We teach you how to finally get a position within Utilization Management (including appeals & denials, pre service care coordinator, skilled inpatient care coordinator and more)
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