Non Clinical Hiring Check List
Feb 24, 2023
Non Clinical Hiring Check List
Frustrated at not getting hired for a non clinical position? These 6 tips will dramatically transform your chances of getting an alternative career as a physical, occupational, or speech therapist or assistant.
Top Tips For Getting A Non Clinical Healthcare Position:
Edit Your Resume:
Non clinical jobs are much different than therapy roles, and as a result you cannot simply hand in the same resume you have been using your therapy job.
You need to make sure you tailor your resume to the new job you are looking for!
Here are some simple tips:
- Look at the job posting and make sure your work experience bullet points include the verabge used within the job posting
- Address within your work bullet points, how you meet the job posts’s work requirements and daily tasks that they have stated
Make a company specific cover letter
Similar to the above resume tips, you need a cover letter and additionally, you need to make it specific to that company. Really put your heart into it and have this be your chance to really explain how your skills transfer over.
If you have used that companies’ software or equipment before, talk about that experience. Talk about how you are preparing for the role. Talk about soft skills such as communication, problem solving, organization, team work, independent thinking.
Network on LinkedIn
So I first want to say, people will ghost you and may not reply. It’s okay, just move on from them and keep going.
What you want to do is go to LinkedIn and in the search bar, type the company name you are interested in and next to that the words “recruiter” or “talent acquisition” or similar terms. This should hopefully pull up people that may help you get hired or answer further questions.
You can of course also reach out to other members of the company, but recruiters job are to get you hired and so they should be the most likely to respond to you.
Another method is to search the company and then scroll down to “people” and that should pull up the list of employees under that company and you can friend and message them as well.
Search on Indeed, LinkedIn Jobs, as well as direct with the company
You may be applying to tons of jobs – but these jobs may actually be already filled and old. Or perhaps you may be looking for jobs but never seeing what you want.
What you may not know is that for non clinical jobs, the job titles can vary greatly amongst companies and so an easier way is to think 1) what companies would I like to work at, 2) what companies have I enjoyed working with (like say you worked with Bioness Rep or Litegait rep) and enjoyed the product and felt the product was something I could enjoy selling or helping people with. Then you go to that companies website and try to find their careers page. From there, you can apply to the roles you like on the page.
What if they don’t have a careers page? Try scrolling to the very bottom of the home page, it can sometimes be found there. Or simply email them and describe your interest in a role.
Take extra courses on LinkedIn, Google, or through companies like Alternative Healthcare Careers or MedBridge
Just making a great resume and cover letter and networking may not be enough depending on the role you want. Remember that for non clinical roles, you are no longer just competiting against healthcare professionals. There may be MBAs, communications majors, advertising majors, and many other degrees or people with wide array of experiences. Non clinical roles are very competitive.
So as a result, you may need to take more education. Now, I’m a fan of not spending too much at first – so I say keep it simple with spending on simple CEUs, cheap certificates or our Alternative Career Certifications ( ) that are career specific. We have seen that these little extras, have made a big impact! So start with that first, before investing in a Masters or a new degree.
For example, if you want to go into project management, its common to get google or LinkedIn certifications in different software like Salesforce or in Microsoft Excel. For Utilization Review, our Foundations of Utilization Review Certification ( has been helpful. For ergonomics, our ergonomics certifications ( have been helpful.
It just helps to show you have real experience in exactly what they are hiring you for.
6. Apply ASAP using notifications:
What you may have begun to realize is the competitiveness of non clinical jobs - many roles may get hundreds of applications in just several days. Well, if you wait till day 3, you may be so low in the stack of resumes, that even if your resume was amazing - it will never get seen because they often don't review all of those resumes.
So how can you over come this? Notifications! Go to Indeed as well as LinkedIn and set up notifications for key search terms you are interested in. That way, as soon as a job with that term gets posted, you can apply day 1 and be on the top of that pile!
I hope this helps address some points where you may have forgotten to address or not known how to move forward with your alternative career transition! I know its more time consuming but that extra effort and few hundred dollars does make a big difference!
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