How To Get A Job In Technology As A PT/OT/PTA/COTA/OTA/SLP
Jul 19, 2022
How To Get A Job In Technology As A PT/OT/PTA/COTA/OTA/SLP
If you are looking for a remote job that you can do as physical, occupational, speech therapist or physical/occupational therapy assistant, that requires no extra education and no physical labor, then look no further than a job in technology! In this article we’ll highlight how to transition from a rehabilitation career into a stay at home position in technology roles.
What is a technology position?
Unlike some of our other guides, in this article I'll be talking about a field of careers, as technology jobs could be so many titles that it's hard to just pin point one.
Some examples of technology companies that you could work for could be:
- Working in EMR companies
- Working in virtual reality companies
- Working in technology companies that produce products like Warby Parker glasses, Ecommerce companies, Audiobook companies
- Working with Amazon, Google
- The billion tele health companies or health coaching companies coming out (even like Peloton)
and so many more companies!
What could some role titles or ideas be?
- Helping in assistive technology and accessibility of their technology
- Helping in the UX or design of the technology
- Helping to cater to finding more patients (so like maybe marketing, sales or social media type roles)
- Clinician educator or patient educator - helping people use the technology or helping healthcare professionals use the technology
- Client or customer success
and many more ideas!
Why do I love working in technology as a remote career idea for physical, occupational or speech therapy professionals as well as assistants?
- No extra education needed
- Often these private companies give you bonuses, raises and just a lot more love and respect that we get in the clinic
- You can work from home
- No physical labor
- You continue to get to help people in a significant way still
- You continue to get to use your medical degree
- It may be really fun to work in growing technology and there may be new ideas you can contribute or upward/lateral growth you may be able to do
Top pros of working in technology jobs as a therapist or assistant:
- They are often remote roles, although you will also find in person roles.
- You need no extra certifications or education
- You get paid similarly to your clinical salary - maybe even better! And usually these companies treat you better too (more perks)
- No physical labor involved
- Very intellectually stimulating
Top cons of working in technology:
- May be a big learning curve
- May not pay the same as clinical care (but on the flip side, it could be better pay too)
- You may have to take more directions/orders as you wont be in as much of a leadership role (this affects therapists more than assistants)
What is the average pay of technology roles:
I can't really give you an average pay as a client success consultant may have a very different salary than clinical educator and even from company to company this may vary as well.
I do think, from my experience consulting with private companies, that you have a lot of new technology companies who have no funding and are barely making it. For those companies, your salary may not be that great. But they you have some well funded, amazing companies like Warby Parker, Peloton, Google etc. where these roles could be amazing, and fully of bonuses, raises, perks and great pay.
Who is best fit for a role in technology?
I think this role is great for someone who really loves patient care but has a very creative nature. If you are constantly looking a new healthcare tools, making your own tools, or wishing certain companies did "x" better, than you'll likely be a great fit!
This role is for those who are self starters, hard workers, creative, problem solving, and good communicators.
Best course to help you get a job in technology?
I've created a remote careers course, that has step by step video guides, resume template, cover letter template, interview questions and answers for technology, and its bundled with other remote careers including recruiting, sales, technology/marketing, assistive technology, virtual reality, and ergonomic careers.
Learn more here:
Example day in the life in a technology role?
Your schedule and day can vary a lot depending on the company you work for and the respective technology role you've been hired in.
But common administrative tasks are always there - email, phone, scheduling, following up. But they you may have tasks like testing product, setting up a team to test a product, educating people on a product, setting up in-services, promoting on social media or connecting with people or clinics, and many more tasks.
What are the requirements to get a technology role as a physical, occupational or speech therapist and assistant?
Most technology companies and roles will not have a lot of requirements, but usually the main ones are:
Its helpful to have some business background or skills
It's helpful to have remote work experience or at least remote technology skills
It's helpful to have strong technology skills
- It's helpful to have previous experience with technology or device you are applying for
- Some may say they require a bachelors but please don't let that stop you!
How to find technology jobs:
Step 1.
Look up a list of common healthcare companies, companies that you would love to work for or companies within a topic that you share a great passion for, or companies that you have used before/are aware of.
Step 2.
Apply to these companies directly and try to set up job auto notifications if possible to alert you if new jobs post.
Step 3.
I would personally email or call too if you can, as there may not be positions but they may be getting ready to hire. This can sometimes bring you to the top of the pack.
Step 4.
Connect with recruiters from these companies and message them for free by hitting “connect” and sending a message/note with your connection.
Step 5.
Also set up alerts on Indeed and LinkedIn for these companies and jobs
Step 6.
Use multiple titles while you are searching. Get creative! Try different search terms and really on the company websites, look at job roles and open up the job posts to see what the role is, as you don't know if you may like a certain role that you have never heard of before!
How to get these technology jobs as therapist or assistant?
Getting a technology job can be a bit tricky as you may be applying for roles that aren't just for therapists or assistants but that many others without healthcare degrees may apply to as well. In this case, the challenge could be that these people not in healthcare, may have more business background. But what I want you to know is that indirectly, you have a so many great skills for these roles and can very much compete!
Common mistakes we've seen is not updating and tailoring your resume to a technology position, not including a cover letter, not preparing for an interview, and not sending a thank you email shortly after.
I think its important to try to use the technology you are applying to before you apply, or at the minimum look over the website to really understand the product. Try to use your skills and in the cover letter, really stand out not by just talking about your skills and how they relate, but also any ideas you have for the company you are applying too.
You are great in communication, organization, working hard, multi-tasking, problem solving and so many other skills - highlight these on your resume!
I really hope this article has helped outline another amazing remote career that you as a physical, occupational, or speech therapist or assistant can do!
If you want a more in-depth guide into each of these career routes you can go to each of the respective blog posts here:
- How to get a utilization review/care coordinator job as a PT, OT, SLP, COTA/OTA, PTA:
- How to get a recruiting job as a PT, OT, SLP, COTA/OTA, PTA:
- How to get a sales job as a PT, OT, SLP, COTA/OTA, PTA :
- How to get a telehealth job as a PT, OT, SLP, COTA/OTA, PTA:
- How to get a virtual reality job as a PT, OT, SLP, COTA/OTA, PTA:
- How to get a Technology (product, project manager, customer success, clinical trainer) job as a PT, OT, SLP, COTA/OTA, PTA :
- How to get an Assistive Technology job as a PT, OT, SLP, OTA/COTA, PTA:
- How to get a health coaching job as a PT, OT, SLP, COTA/OTA, PTA:
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